Sir Sam Hughes plus Valour Road Victoria Cross Awards

Sir Sam Hughes plus Valour Road Victoria Cross Awards

Kate has been fielding questions from Museum visitors. A frequent one is about Sir Sam Hughes. Plus, 3 Victoria Cross Awards from one street in Winnipeg.

Show notes

This week, Kate has been getting visitors at the Museum with lots of questions. A frequent question asked is...who was Sir Sam? As in the namesake for Sir Sam's Inn and Ski Hill. Kate decided to share the answer with our listeners. Plus Paul talks about 3 Canadians who were each individually awarded Victoria Cross Medals for valour in seperate actions during WW1. Improbably, they also just happened to have lived near each other on a short stretch of street in Winnipeg - the only known instance of this having occured anywhere else in the British Empire.

Kate Butler is the Director of the Haliburton Highlands Museum. Paul Vorvis is the host of the Your Haliburton Morning Show 7 - 9 a.m. Fridays on Canoe FM 100.9 and streaming on your devices. Haliburton County is in cottage country about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto. You can contact us at



Paul Vorvis

Paul Vorvis

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Kate Butler

Kate Butler

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