Haliburton's Evergreen Cemetery plus La Corriveau

Haliburton's Evergreen Cemetery plus La Corriveau

What does a new community in the wilderness to do with the deceased plus Quebec's folk-lore boogielady Marie-Josephte Corriveau.

Show notes

This week, Kate talks about early Haliburton village's attempts to create Evergreen Cemetery - their first cemetery in the late 1860's. The type of service you don't necessarily initially think about and plan for when carving a new community out of the wilderness. Plus Paul talks about Marie-Josephte Corriveau - a young woman in 1760's Quebec who was convicted of murdering her husband, was executed and subsequently became a scary folk-lore figure in popular Quebec culture. A boogielady, if you will.

Kate Butler is the Director of the Haliburton Highlands Museum. Paul Vorvis is the host of the Your Haliburton Morning Show 7 - 9 a.m. Fridays on Canoe FM 100.9 and streaming on your devices. Haliburton County is in cottage country about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto. You can contact us at timewarp@canoefm.com



Paul Vorvis

Paul Vorvis

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Kate Butler

Kate Butler

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