A Prospector's Story plus The Canal That Never Was

A Prospector's Story plus The Canal That Never Was

A Haliburton County prospector's story. Plus canals in early Canada, including the 'canal that never was'.

Show notes

This week, Kate talks about William Nichol who arrived in Haliburton County in the 1860's. His story was pretty typical - until he diversified into something a little unique - prospecting in the County and beyond. Plus, Paul talks about the development of canals in Canada in the early 1800's and how they were so impotant to the mobility and the economic growth of a young Canada. And there was a proposal on the books for a huge canal slicing across Ontaio that would have rivalled the Panama Canal - but it became 'the canal that never was'.

Kate Butler is the Director of the Haliburton Highlands Museum. Paul Vorvis is the host of the Your Haliburton Morning Show 7 - 9 a.m. Fridays on Canoe FM 100.9 and streaming on your devices. Haliburton County is in cottage country about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto. You can contact us at timewarp@canoefm.com



Paul Vorvis

Paul Vorvis

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Kate Butler

Kate Butler

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