1860's Young Men's Literary Society plus WW2 POW Camps in Canada

1860's Young Men's Literary Society plus WW2 POW Camps in Canada

Haliburton County's Young Men's Literary Society had aspirations to greater things in a small community plus Canada's WW2 POW Camps - mostly surprisingly civilized....but not always.

Show notes

This week, Kate talks about members of the community in Haliburton County aspiring to greater things - 'the little community that could', if you will. One example was the late 1800's Young Men's Literary Society where young men aspiring to greater culture could gather for tea, recitations, songs and stories. Plus, Paul talks about the more than 34,000 WW2 POW's who were held in camps in Canada and some of their experiences. Six thousand ended up asking to stay after the war.

Kate Butler is the Director of the Haliburton Highlands Museum. Paul Vorvis is the host of the Your Haliburton Morning Show 7 - 9 a.m. Fridays on Canoe FM 100.9 and streaming on your devices. Haliburton County is in cottage country about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto. You can contact us at timewarp@canoefm.com



Paul Vorvis

Paul Vorvis

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Kate Butler

Kate Butler

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